
December 14, 2018

Either Goods Will Cross Borders, or Armies Will

The practice of economic sanctions is not new. 2,400 years ago, Athens declared a trade embargo on the neighbouring city state of Megara, strangling the city’s trade. But it is in the modern age that sanctions have become a popular tool of foreign policy. So, do sanctions work?
July 18, 2018

Vestager Vs Google

The European Commission decision in the Google Android case illustrates the difference in approach to antitrust issues between the US and EU. It also illustrates that antitrust regulators are yet to understand the fundamental economic drivers of the new media economy, and technology in general.
June 4, 2018

EU Measure Doesn’t Capture Poverty

The EU member states have agreed that 20 million people should be lifted out of poverty by 2020. However, the measure that the European Commission uses does not capture poverty but inequality. This mismeasurement leads to erroneous conclusions about the nature and extent of poverty in Europe, as well as how it should be tackled.