
March 11, 2020

Giving the EU-GCC Trade Relations a Chance

Oman started 2020 off on the right foot when it comes to economic freedom. Only a few days before Sultan Qaboos passed away on January 10th, a new Foreign Capital Investment Law (FCIL) came into force to visibly lower barriers to foreign investment in the Sultanate.
March 5, 2020

The Education Voucher, a Proposal for Excellence

The idea behind education vouchers has a solid academic and research backing. This arguably began in the 1950s with Nobel Laureate Milton Friedman proposing various models for public-private partnerships to guarantee that basic services were provided more efficiently and with greater freedom of choice.
February 27, 2020

Stop Trying to Make Trade Agreements “Woke”

Trade has lifted billions of people out of poverty by fostering international cooperation, expanding consumer choice, and above all, by integrating developing economies into the global economy. The impact of trade is incredibly far-reaching in scope.
February 14, 2020

A New Chapter Between the EU and Vietnam

In 2019, the European Commission agreed a landmark Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Vietnam, which was ratified by the European Parliament earlier this week. While it is a positive move, concerns remain about restrictive and interventionist quotas in the agreement as well as human rights issues on the Vietnamese side.
February 5, 2020

What Policy Questions Will Be Created by Driverless Cars?

The 2020s will see the introduction of one of the most profoundly transformative technologies for decades: the driverless car. In the world we have inhabited for the past 60 years, most adults own cars that they drive daily, which they then park in their garages, front yards or on the street, or in car parks when they go to the shops or the train station or the airport.