March 2, 2021
After almost seven years of discussions and negotiations, it was announced on December 30, 2020, that the EU and China concluded in principle the negotiations for a Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI).
February 26, 2021
In December 2020, negotiations were concluded for the highly anticipated EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment (CAI).
February 25, 2021
Europe is a continent of small and medium-sized nations, and many citizens in these nations wish to form even smaller ones.
February 18, 2021
Last spring, my colleague Chris Snowdon compiled an amusing Twitter thread highlighting examples of commentators and activists who were using the pandemic as a new excuse to peddle their old pet causes.
January 22, 2021
Under the Trump Administration, the world watched America retreat from globalism, international cooperation, and a committed partnership with Europe.
January 12, 2021
Some countries allow you to buy a beer at any time day or night. Others have total prohibition.
December 8, 2020
In light of the recent terrorist attacks in mainland Europe, the Council of the European Union has released a draft resolution to reconsider encryption legislation.
December 4, 2020
Facing the competition from North America and Asia, the European Union has proposed the launch of an ambitious €100 billion budget plan for funding Research and Innovation (R&I) from 2021 to 2027.
December 3, 2020
At the end of October, the European Commission proposed a Directive to introduce adequate minimum wages across the EU.