
February 25, 2021

Should Classical Liberals Encourage Secession?

Europe is a continent of small and medium-sized nations, and many citizens in these nations wish to form even smaller ones. Should free-market liberals encourage further decentralisation and self-determination? Or should they rather emphasise the importance of stable and growing economies?
January 22, 2021

Biden and the Future of the Transatlantic Relationship

Under the Trump Administration, the world watched America retreat from globalism, international cooperation, and a committed partnership with Europe. The Trump presidency fostered American isolationism through actions like terminating US participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord, and escalating trade tensions with the EU.
January 12, 2021

Who is Your Nanny?

Some countries allow you to buy a beer at any time day or night. Others have total prohibition. The enormous differences in the way governments around the world treat alcohol make it an unlikely candidate for global regulation, but the World Health Organisation wants to have a go anyway.
December 3, 2020

Minimum Wage Wars in Europe

At the end of October, the European Commission proposed a Directive to introduce adequate minimum wages across the EU. Although the end objective is socially considerate and far-reaching, the means of achieving statutory minimum wage would not only be harmful for the most vulnerable workers in society, but would negatively affect the economies of Eastern Europe.