March 1, 2015

The Energy Union: Why Liberalisation Matters

The Energy Union can further the process of opening up and integrating energy markets within the European Union. However, there is a risk that behind the proposal a new wave of regulation looms, both at national and EU levels.
January 1, 2015

Response: European Commission Report on Investment Protection in TTIP

A response to the European Commission’s findings in its 2014 consultation on investment protection and the investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) in TTIP, including the four areas for further improvement identified by DG TRADE.
December 16, 2014

Updating the Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base

The Commission should work to preserve the highest degree of tax competition between Member States. The CCCTB poses the danger of fundamentally hindering this vital feature of the internal market, and should therefore be reconsidered.
December 1, 2014

Taxing Problem: the UK’s Incoherent Tax System

The UK tax system is incoherent. Even ignoring benefits styled as tax credits and the withdrawal of child benefit, taxpayers can face seven different marginal rates of personal tax. In the long term, aiming for significantly lower levels of government spending could facilitate substantial marginal tax rate cuts, and the government should aim to return to a tax system with two, or preferably one, overall marginal rates of tax on income.
November 26, 2014

“Unbundling” Search Engines

Given the lack of evidence of anti-competitive behaviour in the search engine market, action by the European Commission is unjustified. “Unbundling” will harm innovation, economic growth and the rule of law in the EU.
November 20, 2014

Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Myths and Reality

With cross-border trade volumes reaching new heights every year, and with governments still prone to arbitrary action, there is a need for effective, transparent, independent and swift ISDS. CETA, TTIP and future trade deals should contain an ISDS chapter.
October 1, 2014

Promoting Competition and Energy Security in Europe

The success of the internal market for products can and should be repeated for energy. Natural barriers to market entry in terms of infrastructure can be overcome by private and/ or public investment if proper returns on investment are allowed.
October 1, 2014

The TTIP and the Future of EU Free Trade Agreements

The free-trade deal between Canada and the European Union has often been described as a template for the potentially much larger Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership currently being negotiated with the United States. As such it provides a good case study in the pitfalls that might plague, not just the TTIP, but other future trade agreements that the EU embarks upon.

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EPICENTER publications and contributions from our member think tanks are designed to promote the discussion of economic issues and the role of markets in solving economic and social problems. As with all EPICENTER publications, the views expressed here are those of the author and not EPICENTER or its member think tanks (which have no corporate view).