July 1, 2016

Radical, but Not Equal: Assessing Corporate Tax Reforms

A tax on turnover would tax profitable and loss-making firms equally, potentially posing an insurmountable hurdle to struggling firms, and eliminating the tax benefit of normally beneficial capital expenditure.
June 30, 2016

Why the EU27 Should Not Punish the UK for Leaving

There has been some talk of the rest of the EU attempting to punish the UK for leaving. The idea is that the institutions need to deter other exits and will accept some additional economic costs in return for imposing a visibly bad deal on the UK.
June 29, 2016

Brexit: a Natural Experiment for the EU

Can a country do better after leaving the EU? Indeed, we can perform an even more granular analysis and seek to establish in which policy areas the greater policy flexibility and decentralisation which comes with departure might outweigh the cost of losing the EU’s four freedoms and its constitutional barriers against bad government policy.
June 13, 2016

Seven Years of Greek Crisis: Highlighting the Need for an Independent Monitoring Body

A lot has been said about the Greek crisis, and the abysmal track record of successive Greek governments. On the other hand, not a lot has been said about the Troika which oversees the Greek bailouts.
June 3, 2016

The IMF Gets It Wrong on ‘Neoliberalism’

An article from the IMF’s magazine, entitled ‘Neoliberalism: Oversold?’, has been making the rounds on social media. This is not surprising: bemoan ‘neoliberalism’ in one way or another, and you are virtually guaranteed roaring applause on social media.
June 1, 2016

The EU Goes Digital (Sort of)

While entrepreneurship and innovation are flourishing across much of the EU’s private sector, public policy has lagged behind most recent technological developments. For instance, far too many national governments are failing to create a climate of openness for the sharing economy, despite its widely acknowledged potential to benefit consumers by as much as €1,000 per EU citizen, and to create employment and business opportunities in the process.
June 1, 2016

France: the Hottest Economy You’ve Never Heard of

France badly needs economic reform. But we shouldn’t let negative news headlines blind us to the fact that the French economy has tremendous potential and that, provided a small number of important but feasible policy changes, it can do very well.

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EPICENTER publications and contributions from our member think tanks are designed to promote the discussion of economic issues and the role of markets in solving economic and social problems. As with all EPICENTER publications, the views expressed here are those of the author and not EPICENTER or its member think tanks (which have no corporate view).